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If you clicked on the info icon or the "Stats / Notes / Bio" link, you've reached this page which contains notes, memories, trivia and more about Luis  Arroyo.  If you have anything to add to this player's information, an interesting bit of trivia or a personal memory or story about Luis, please feel free to share it with us by filling out the form at the bottom of the page. Be sure to include your name and town.

Facts, Trivia, Memories and More about Luis Arroyo


Acquired: July 20, 1960: Luis was acquired from the Reds to complete an earlier deal made on April 1, 1960.  The earlier deal sent catcher Jesse Gonder to the Yankees, also in return for players to be names later.  The Yankees completed the trade after the season when pitcher Zach Monroe was sent to Cincinnati on October 20, 1960.


Juan L. from Gainesville, FL wrote: "LHP born in Tallaboa, a Rural area near PeƱuelas, Puerto Rico. He was a star pitcher for the Ponce Leones (Lions) of the Puerto Rico profesional baseball league in the 50s. He was called "El Zurdo de Tallaboa," the lefty from Tallaboa.

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