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Here's a list of some recommended Blogs and other
websites. There
are a lot to wade through out there, so hopefully this
helps you wade through the sea of effluvia. Oh, and
blogs that mention Yankee Numbers and send some traffic
my way stand a good chance at getting listed here.
Marty Appel
- If you don't know Marty Appel, it's time you brush up on your Yankee
history my friend. That's because when it comes to Yankee history,
there may be no greater font of knowledge than Mr. Appel. Anything
with his name on it is required reading. Particularly "Pinstripe
Empire" in which a certain website is mentioned in the bibliography.
OK...that aside, it's a great book and a great starting place for those
looking to dig deeper into Yankee lore prior to 1996.
Bronx Banter - One of the first blogs that
linked to this site and paid me a compliment in the
process. I really think it helped put this site on
the map in the Yankee community. But aside from
that, Cliff and Alex are great writers and I find
myself agreeing with them more often than not.
River Ave. Blues (No longer active, but still archived)
- One of the more popular blogs and often very insightful depending on the
blogger. Mike, the majority contributor is excellent.
Others...not as much. However, the commenters and bloggers rely too
much on the overused and contrived "WAR" statistic in their arguments for my
tastes. I've personally found it a meaningless "statistic." Be
warned also that some commenters are VERY overly and unnecessarily sensitive
to anyone disagreeing with them. It can be a great and fun place for
in-game and topical threads, or annoyingly petty and exasperating, depending
on who responds and who's active at that particular time. For example,
in a game that the Yankees are losing 10-0, you might post something generic
like, "This is a tough game tonight." In response, you'll get the
wise-acre comments ("Really, I thought they've been playing well), the
agreeable comments ("Yeah, we'll get 'em tomorrow) or the most
annoying...the you-can-never-speak-ill-of-the-Yankees-ever crowd ("Well,
what kind of fan are you? You're a jerk! Why don't you just go
away Yankee-hater! We don't need fans like you!)
Pride of the
Yankees - Another very active Yankee blog, this time on NJ.com. They mentioned the site one day and
sent a TON of visitors my way, which says something about its popularity.
Not to mention that they provide some good analysis.