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One of the Yes Network's most aired shows are their Yankee Classics.  Generally, during the regular season on off days and mornings before a game when there was none the day before, you can catch the Yankees Classics.  Then they fill up a lot of the schedule with them during the off-season.  As a Yankee fan, I think it's a great idea, although the ranking of some games as "Classics" can sometimes be questions.

Well, this is an attempt to log as many of the Yankee Classics that have been shown including some commentary and rankings on whether they really are classics or...not so much.

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Regular Season vs. Boston Red Sox
Yanks Spoil 100th Anniversary of Fenway
Friday, April 20, 2012
Final Score: 6-2
Yankee Classic Rating (1 low to 10 high): 5

Come on...it's always fun to watch the Yankees beat Boston.  It was particularly fun on this day when the Sox celebrated the 100-year celebration of Fenway Park.  However, a little might be lost in the context of the Yankees Classics if you don't see the ceremony that preceded the game.  It was fine to let Boston celebrate their classic ballpark until Pedro Martinez and Kevin Millar went off on some seemingly drunken rants against the Yankees.  THAT is what made the win sweet.  That was a time to celebrate their own history and for some reason, Pedro and Millar (especially) decided it was a time to forget 99 and 3/4 years of Fenway history as well as all the players on the field and focus only on four games from 2004.  Which, essentially were relegated to footnote status after the Yankees 2009 World Series win.  It was a sour note after what was a pretty nice celebration.  Anyway, the Yankees went out and bombed Boston starter Clay Buchholz for four home runs while Ivan Nova and four Yankee relievers held Boston in check after being staked to a 3-0 lead after two innings.

Disclaimer: This site is in no way affiliated with the New York Yankees or YES Network in any manner. This is strictly and completely a fan created website.