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One of the Yes Network's most aired shows are their Yankee Classics.  Generally, during the regular season on off days and mornings before a game when there was none the day before, you can catch the Yankees Classics.  Then they fill up a lot of the schedule with them during the off-season.  As a Yankee fan, I think it's a great idea, although the ranking of some games as "Classics" can sometimes be questions.

Well, this is an attempt to log as many of the Yankee Classics that have been shown including some commentary and rankings on whether they really are classics or...not so much.

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Regular Season vs. New York Mets
Yanks Beat Mets on Walk-Off Pop-Up
Friday, June 12, 2009
Final Score: 9-8
Yankee Classic Rating (1 low to 10 high): 8
A game no one will ever forget.  You know the old saying that when you go to a baseball game, there's a good chance you'll see something you've never seen before.  Chalk this one up in that column.  In a season flooded with walk-off wins for the Yankees, who would have imagined one would be a walk-off on a dropped can-o'-corn pop-up?

I'm going to come back to add more details on this one in the future, but in case by now you're not sure what game this is, it's the one where Alex Rodriguez popped up to second (actually shallow right field) to seemingly end the game with runners on first and second and the Yankees trailing 8-7 to the Mets.

However, Mets second baseman Luis Castillo drifted back, then appeared to have a little getting a bead on it, but seemingly recovered.  Not so.  He dropped the ball and Derek Jeter easily scored from second, followed by a hustling Mark Teixeira all the way from first after, for some reason, Castillo threw the ball to second base.

Castillo would absorb a lot of the blame...deservedly so.  But Mets closer Francisco Rodriguez deserves a little for putting the runners on in the first place.  Also, where was Mets' right fielder Ryan Church who had more than enough time to come in to catch the pop-up?  It would conceivably have been a much easier play for the right fielder, especially given that Castillo looked to be having problems with the pop-up early on.

Who cares.  It has to be one of the most memorable games in the "Subway Series" history and truly deserving of "Classic" status.  The only reason I give it a 9 rating?  It should have been a bad Yankee loss...don't you forget that.
Disclaimer: This site is in no way affiliated with the New York Yankees or YES Network in any manner. This is strictly and completely a fan created website.